If you've been amazed at the rapid rise of internet communities such MySpace, YouTube and Squidoo then it's likely that you're aware of the new trend in using the internet as a platform to meet friends and build business contacts.
The term that has been coined to capture the development of social interactivity across the internet is called 'web 2.0', and web 2.0 portals are springing up across the planet faster than you can or I can type.
Now web 2.0 is a fundamental shift in the way that people are using the internet, and it won't ever replace the old 'web 1.0' sites. That is, 'static' websites that offer useful content but are not being updated.
However since web 2.0 sites are continually updating themselves with topical information, the Search Engines Google, Yahoo and MSN are picking up these sites as avenues of more current information.
Some examples of web 2.0 portals include Blogs (Blogger.com), Mash-ups (Google Maps), Social Networks (LinkedIn.com), Tagging (Del.icio.us) and Wiki (Wikipedia.com).
Web 2.0 communities represent a spirit of free and open communication, and are also referred to as social media technologies.
The biggest factor about web 2.0 technology is the way it is being used as social proof. For instance, visit a Blog and you can leave comments about the topic that is presented or discussed.
Alternatively, visit a community site and start to form your own social network where you can add friends to your social group, be involved in group discussions, and provide comment on topics that you know. Forums are a recognised social presence on the internet and are a common web 2.0 technology.
If you run a niche website, you don't need to run an entire community forum to benefit from the Search Engine traffic. Web 2.0 niche portals can transform your static 'web 1.0' website into the new world order of web 2.0 technology.
For instance, using web 2.0 niche portals you can invite your visitors to leave comments or add a link to their website via your web 2.0 portal.
Alternatively, people can view a video wall related to your niche themed site, and may be attracted to click on the Adsense advertising around the articles around your site.
Finally, if they can't find what they are looking for on your site, a Google Search box can assist them to look for more relevant information directly from your site.
While web 1.0 websites are being left in the dust by the Search Engines, with web 2.0 niche portals you can easily upgrade your website and start capitalising on the web 2.0 revolution.
For more information about web 2.0 niche portals and and how you can use them on your site, visit: Web 2.0 Niche Portals . Article is copyright Bradley Smith 2007 Web 2 Niche Portals